Saturday, January 7, 2023

Bitcoin signed messages explained

 Bitcoin-signed messages are a way to prove ownership of a Bitcoin address and to sign a message with that address. This is done using the private key associated with the address.

To create a signed message, a user can use a Bitcoin wallet or other software to create a message and sign it with the private key associated with their address. The resulting signed message can then be shared with others, who can use the corresponding public key to verify that the message was indeed signed by the owner of the address.

Signed messages are often used to prove ownership of a Bitcoin address without revealing the private key. This can be useful in situations where a user wants to prove ownership of an address without giving others the ability to spend the funds associated with it.

To create a signed message, a user can use a Bitcoin wallet or other software that supports this feature. The specific steps will depend on the software being used, but generally, the user will be prompted to enter the message they want to sign, as well as the private key associated with the address. The software will then create the signed message, which can be shared with others.

It is important to keep in mind that signed messages are only as secure as the private key used to sign them. If the private key is compromised or lost, the signed message can no longer be trusted as proof of ownership.

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